Friday, May 09, 2008

BizTalk Orchestration and the #error "Errors exist for one or more children."

Sometimes when you work with an orchestration you get #error "Errors exist for one or more children." as the only error. I managed to get this when I had a loop. Looking in the odx file manually I was able to determine which loop and branch of decide the error was in. Then I could see that one of my shapes had the error flag in the designer. It turned out that it was this line of code in an expression shape that did the error:

transform (DeliveryMessage) = tMap(InboundMessage);

Notice the blank space after transform. That's what did it. However, some strange stuff is:

1. I copied the orchestration from another project where this code worked.
2. Once i had compiled the orchestration i added the white space once again and now it worked.

Ok, I am not too impressed with the Orch Designer.

Friday, May 02, 2008


Har kommit på en sak vad gäller aktier. Tidigare har jag mest kollat på undervärderade företag som gör bra vinster. Men detta bör vara hitta undervärderade företag som gör bra vinster och vars aktie uppvisar stark trend.