Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Stepping it up with power tools

I bought a book called Windows Developer Power Tools and started looking for tools
to apply in a specific project. For this project I came up with the following:

Enterprise Library Block. To apply best practises within loggin etc.

NUnit 2.4.8. To have an automated test suite for some basic behavious such as object CRUD.

MyGeneration and custom templates. For generating manager classes among other things. ORM-code can be generated with dOOdads templates.

Caste Windsor Container. To promote reusability and get rockin things such as swappable business rules using Inversion of Control.

NDoc. To create professionally looking documetation.

CoolCommands. To improve developer productivity in VS.

VSFileFinder. To find files fast inside VS.

FxCop. To write code that uses best practises.

SourceMonitor. To manage code complexity.

NDepend. Find dependencies in your application that can be improved.

NTime. To verify that performance is acceptable for critical parts of the application.

NProf. To find out in which method time is spent.

Reclector.NET. To look into assemblies when documentation sucks.

Dotfuscator. To prevent reverse engineering of code.

Fiddler. To examinate HTTP traffic.

WSCF. To create contract based web services. Don't deal with the stuff VS produces out of the box.

Subversion. Source control.

AnhkSvn. Subversion in VS.

TortoiseSvn. Subversion in explorer.

Other tool not mentioned that I use:

YSlow. To find out how websites can be optimized.

XP IIS admin. To create multiple IIS websites in XP.

SelfSSL. To generate certs on localhost.

Now if I could just get my hands on a suitable AOP framework...

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