Thursday, August 07, 2008


Notes about Subversion:

link where to download Windows version:

Subversion client

Ankhsvn - open source plugin for visual studio.

Getting started

Free book:


A typical repository often holds the files for several projects.

To checkout repository subbtree using the command line:

svn checkout

There are numerous client tools, some important are svnlook and synadmin.

See the quick start guide on page 346.
See page 137 i pdf version of book for information on how to create

Among the server options svnserve is the on to look for.

The easiest way is to run the server process as a Windows Service, see page 168.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

"Varje gång jag träffar honom så ligger hans framtid i nuet"

Friday, August 01, 2008


I decided that that the new Policy Injection Block probably is not for me so I'll be checking out Spring.NET since
I need to take my coding and architecting to the next level using AOP.

I am also going to do something I should have done ages ago, order (and read) a copy of Code Complete. I am aware of
much of the content in the book but still I want to really dig in on it and reflect.

Next week will be my first as Independent Consultant so I am very exciteed!